Be still翻譯社 and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
In Psalm 46:8–9, God flexes His omnipotent muscles, putting His power on display. “Come and see what the Lord has done . . . . He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the shields with fire.” God is a busy God, who works to create calm within the chaos of our days.
What a thought! So many of us struggle to stop. We do, do, do and go, go翻譯社 go翻譯社 somehow afraid that if we cease our efforts we will cease to be. Or that by stopping we will expose ourselves to the ever-present realities we work to keep at bay.
We rest well when we’re in the loving arms and perfect will of God.
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Psalm 46 has been a source of encouragement to many over the years—including reformer Martin Luther. In fact翻譯社 he based the classic hymn “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” on this psalm. During times of struggle “when terribly discouraged, he would turn to his co-worker, Philipp Melanchthon, and say, ‘Come翻譯社 Philipp翻譯社 let us sing the forty-sixth Psalm’” (Ligonier Ministries, Luther and the Psalms: His Solace and Strength).
多年來,詩篇46篇讓許多人得著鼓勵,此中包羅宗教改造者馬丁路德,而且他還根據這篇詩譜寫了《堅韌保障》這首詩歌。在劇烈鬥爭期間,馬丁路德在泄氣氣餒之際,就會對同工菲利普.梅蘭希頓(Philipp Melanchthon)說:「來吧,菲利普,我們一路來唱詩篇46篇!」
My friend and I sat in the sand翻譯社 near the ever-rhythmic ocean. As the sun sank in the distance翻譯社 wave after wave curled, paused and then rippled toward our extended toes, stopping just short each time. “I love the ocean翻譯社” she smiled. “It moves so I don’t have to.”
And then in verse 10 we read, “Be still, and know that I am God.”
Dear God, help me to find my rest in You.
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This mighty fortress describes the God of strength who is our refuge. And He is also the God who calls us to find our rest in Him. In the New Testament翻譯社 Jesus personalized that rest when He said, “Come to me翻譯社 all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). In the midst of the cares and despairs of life, we can stop, be still, and find refuge in God.
Of course it’s possible to know God while running here and there. But the psalmist’s invitation to cease striving beckons us into a different kind of knowing. A knowing that we can stop—and still be—because God never stops. A knowing that it is God’s power that gives us ultimate value, protection, and peace.